註冊藝術(表達藝術)治療師。香港大學表達藝術治療碩士、香港中文大學社會學學士。曾於兒童及青少年病房、學校、復康及長者服務界別任職,具哀傷輔導、靜觀自我關懷訓練,並獲香港生產力促進局授予繪本創作與文化文憑,出版以性別定型為題繪本《我不要做男子漢》、《公主改造計劃》,擅長把繪本用於治療之中。陳女士提供特別主題介入包括生死、性別、孤獨感等。陳氏亦曾為不同機構提供社區表達藝術工作坊及義工培訓,更與不同機構及學校合作,為有情緒支援需要之中、小學生、喪親兒童及青少年、有特殊學習需要學童、其家長/照顧者、親子、患認知障礙症、抑鬱及焦慮症狀、躁鬱症、退休、單身、照顧者之長者及有情緒支援或個人成長需要之成人提供個案/小組/工作坊表達藝術治療服務 。
Eunice is a Registered Arts Therapist (AThR , ANZACATA). She holds a Master's degree in Expressive Arts Therapy from the University of Hong Kong and a Bachelor's degree in Sociology from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Eunice has worked in various settings, including pediatrics ward, education, rehabilitation, and elderly service sectors. She has received training in bereavement counseling and Mindful Self-Compassion. Eunice was also awarded a Diploma in Picture Book Creation and Culture by the HKPC Academy, and she has published picture books on gender stereotypes titled "I Don‘t wanna be a MAN" and "Princess Transformation Project". She specialize in using picture books as therapeutic tools. In addition to her work in expressive arts therapy, Eunice also provide specialized therapeutic interventions on specific themes such as life and death, gender, and feelings of loneliness. She has conducted community-based expressive arts workshops and volunteer training for different organizations. Eunice has collaborated with various institutions and schools to provide expressive arts therapy services to individuals and groups in need, including primary and secondary school students, bereaved children and youth, children with special educational needs, their parents and caregivers, parent-child pairs, individuals with cognitive impairments, individuals experiencing symptoms of depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, retirees, single unmarried individuals, elderly individuals with caregivers, adolescents with intellectual disabilities, and adults with emotional support or personal growth needs. Eunice offers individual, group, and workshop-based expressive arts therapy services.
E-mail: eunicechan.exat@gmail.com
Phone/Whatsapp: +852 5915 9701
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