- 患認知障礙症長者
- 情緒支援需要(例如抑鬱或焦慮症狀、患燥鬱症之長者)
- 長期病患(包括癌症患者/康復者)
- 護老者
- 單身/獨身年長女士
- 年輕長者
- 退休適應
- 孤獨感
- 哀傷、喪親或生死議題
- 覺察及表達情緒,抒發內在感受
- 紓緩照顧壓力
- 探索內外在資源
- 建立支援網絡
- 認識自己,了解自己的需要
- 探索得與失
- 探索生命的意義
- 回顧生命及思索死亡
- 提升自信及能力感
- 提升希望感
- 提升掌控感
- 與身體連結,覺察自身需要
The therapist will provide expressive arts therapy services to the following groups of older adults or topics:
- Older adults with cognitive impairments/dementia
- Older adults with emotional needs (e.g.having depressive and/ anxiety symptoms, bipolar disorder)
- Older adults with chronic illness/ Cancer patients or survivors
- Carers
- Single/unmarried older women
- Young Old
- Retirement adaptation
- Feelings of loneliness
- Grief, loss of a loved one, or end-of-life issues
The therapist will adjust the objectives and directions of the therapy sessions based on the participants' needs and conditions. The following objectives can be considered (but not limited):
- Aware and expressing emotions and inner feelings
- Caring stress relief
- Exploring internal and external resources
- Building a mutual support network
- Self-discovery and understanding personal needs
- Exploring gains and losses
- Exploring the meaning of life
- Life review and exploring how to perceive death
- Enhancing sense of self and a sense of competence
- Inserting hope
- Enhancing a sense of mastery
- Connecting with the body and being aware of personal needs
If you have any inquiries or would like to learn more, please leave a message/WhatsApp, and we will contact you as soon as possible.